TWO Presentations
Mohanty, B.P., G. Moore, G. Miller, S. Quiring, M. Everett, and C. Morgan, The Texas Water Observatory:
Utilizing Advanced Observing System Design for Understanding Water Resources Sustainability Across Climatic and Geologic Gradients of Texas, AGU Fall Meeting. 2015.
Mohanty, B.P., G. Moore, G. Miller, M. Everett, C. Morgan, and M. Lawing, Texas Water Observatory in Brazos Corridor, Council of Principal Investigators Meeting, Texas A&M University, June 22, 2016.
Mohanty, B.P., G. Moore, G. Miller, M. Everett, C. Morgan, M. Lawing, Texas Water Observatory, 54th Annual Soil Survey & Land Resource Workshop, Texas A&M AgriLife and USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), February 3, 2017.
Jaimes, A., N. Gaur, M. Everett, G. Miller, G. Moore, C. Morgan, M. Lawing, B. Mohanty, Texas Water Observatory: Utilizing Advanced Observing System Design for Understanding Water Resource Sustainability across Climatic and Geologic Gradients of Texas, NACP/AmeriFlux PI Joint Meeting, North Bethesda, MD, March 27 - 30, 2017.